January 13, 2018

From our Chair, Tung Nguyen:

Heard someone much younger talking vehemently about his identity today and remembered how I used to feel about it.

Age 13: I'm Vietnamese but want to be American

Age 18: I'm Vietnamese American but want to be more American

Age 25: I'm Vietnamese American but want to be more Vietnamese

Age 35 (after having been back to Vietnam): I'm Vietnamese American but I'm definitely not Vietnamese

Age now: I'm Vietnamese American, I am one, I am the other, I am neither, I am both. Screw you.

January 12, 2018

From our Chair, Tung Nguyen:

I've been thinking about what to say about the most recent thing that came out of Trump's piehole, and I think there will be a press release somewhere. But that would be an official statement. Here is angry Tung's letter to T-rump.

Dear President Trump,

I heard you refer to El Salvador, Haiti, and African countries as “shithole” countries. I heard you call Mexican immigrants “rapists”. I have heard you brag about how you grab women by their p**sy. And I heard you call white supremacists “very fine people”. And my response is that you are a very fine white supremacist rape advocate, so stop the shit flowing out of your piehole and leave us alone.

Sign, I come from a “shithole” country, but I’m not a little shit like you.

Would this work as a press release?

January 11, 2018

From one of our members:

I think what is most painful about the Haiti / El Salvador comment is that I know the WH occupant is empowered to say what he does because a ton of other voting American citizens feel the same way, and about a lot of other people from other countries of similar stature. He is verbalizing the unspoken contempt of other Americans. It is extremely hurtful to ANY person who has come from or descended from a country of less wealth or power than America. It cuts deep to the biggest source of division in our country. It is hate. It is disrespectful. It is an assault on immigrants and children of immigrants. This HAS to be a wake up call for any friend or family member who professes to be of the same party or political affiliation. This is a moment for deep pause and reflection on what it means for us to have a leader of our nation verbalize explicit white supremacy.

January 9, 2018

From Hong-My Basrai:

I used to watch my kids’ soccer games. Those long, agonized hours under the summer sun taught me one thing about the political game too.

The number one rule of defending is to always put pressure on the opposite team. Even when you can’t possibly win back a ball, putting the offensive team under pressure forces it to make a less than perfect move to your advantage. A few of those bad moves and you will win back the ball and turn offensive

My friends, DocTran and our fellow resistors who ran for offices did just that. Royce (CA39), my district, quits and kisses bye-bye to his cushy retirement because the pressure is too much for him to bear. He knew the day he voted yay for that tax cut for the richest of rich, he had said yay to the devils.

Let’s score goals with DocTran and win this game. 

January 1, 2018

From Connie Wun:

2018 is ours. Happy New Year! 2018 is the year we learn from our challenges and triumphs. 2018 is the year we take over. 2018 is the year we imagine differently, create more freely, be even less afraid to win. 2018 is the year we take all of our lessons and demand the impossible. In 2018, everything is possible. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. To freedom. To joy. To peace within. May you move with conviction knowing this world is ours.  #whoiswithme #teamsmakedreams #insolidaritywerise #balance #2018everythingispossible #wewillwin #ours
