Nick Nguyen

Nick Nguyen was born in Pennsylvania in 1976 and grew up in Ohio, his parents refugees from South Vietnam who fled the persecution of the Communist North Vietnamese regime in the year before. After attending college at Ohio State, he spent time in Austin, TX, and Detroit, MI before settling in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2005. After 20 years in the technology industry as a software engineer, startup co-founder, product manager, and executive, his most recent career change was in 2019 when he decided to shift to becoming a full time parent.

Like many Vietnamese Americans, he grew up with conservative politics, and grew more progressive as his education and career progressed and exposed him to more systems and peoples all over the world. As a person who is deeply invested in the potential of technology to change lives, his interest in joining the PIVOT board is closely tied to fighting the rampant misinformation that affects his community of Vietnamese Americans. As Research Lead and a writer on Viet Fact Check, he aspires to inform and protect the Vietnamese American community from the damage that misinformation causes.

He lives in Palo Alto, CA with his wife, two children, and a Boston Terrier.