Of Pandemics, Policies, and Police

Of Pandemics, Policies, and Police

June 5, 2020
Tung Nguyen, PIVOT president

Health disparities researchers have known for several decades the main underlying causes of such disparities. We call them the social determinants of health, and they include poverty, education, the environment, and healthcare access.

Racism is often thought to be one of those determinants as well, because chronic exposure to racism cause the body to change through the release of stress hormones and neurotransmitters. Acute exposure to racism can lead to death, as in the case of the recent killings of George Floyd, Breona Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others. From a health disparities perspective, the George Floyd shooting was an acute exposure to racism, with the 4 police officers serving as the vectors that delivered the disease of racism and its ultimate health outcome, death.

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