Message From PIVOT President Tung Nguyen

November 4, 2020


As of now, the morning of November 4th, 2020, we still do not know who the next President of the United States will be. The expected delay in results from several states is due to the large volume of mailed in votes. This is good news for Joe Biden because the data have shown that he has won mailed in votes by a wide margin.

Disappointingly, although also expected, Donald Trump has already started his effort to steal the election. Overnight, he expressed his wish to stop counting ballots in states where he is ahead and to continue to count where he is behind. He has begun to put out the narrative that he won so anything that happens after 11/3 is a fraud. His campaign manager has stated that they would win if only “legal” ballots were counted.

PIVOT is prepared for this along with our coalition partners. I know this has been a long hard fight, but it is not over. We hope that you will continue to work with us in the second phase of this fight.

One outcome is clear. The Vietnamese American progressive movement is now a national one. I still remember 2016, when there was one small organized Vietnamese American group supporting Hilary Clinton. Indeed, PIVOT rose out of that group. Now, we have taken over social media, have a strong presence on traditional Vietnamese media, created resources like VietFactCheck, VietAmVote, and our Candidate Portal. We have fellows working with partners in AZ, GA, NC, PA, and TX. Regardless of the outcome of this election, PIVOT is here to fight for democracy and to build a better, more just country.

Thank you to all of you for your work, your time, your passion, your money, and your friendship.

In solidarity,
Tung Nguyen
President, PIVOT-The Progressive Vietnamese American Organization
Twitter: @pivotorg