FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Announcement of Executive Director Transition

May 26, 2023

Announcement of Executive Director Transition

PIVOT announces that Dr. Jennifer Tran is stepping down as our Executive Director to run for Congress. Dr. Tran was the first Executive Director for PIVOT, the leading national organization for progressive Vietnamese Americans.

Dr. Tung Nguyen, PIVOT’s Chair, states that “Dr. Tran joined PIVOT at a critical time for our growth and we benefited greatly from her energy and leadership.”

In addition to building a strong infrastructure, Dr. Tran guided PIVOT through a successful election cycle in 2022, met with hundreds of Vietnamese Americans across the country which informed the launch of several promising new initiatives,including an effort to build local PIVOT chapters nationwide. 

“I am immensely proud of the work we have accomplished together, and I am grateful for the support and guidance that PIVOT leaders have provided me throughout my journey,” said Dr. Tran. 

 PIVOT is honored to have been a part of Dr. Tran’s journey. “We are proud of Dr. Tran’s growth as an advocate and champion during her tenure, and we are excited to see her continued involvement in American democracy,” said Dr. Nguyen. 

As we enter into the next election cycle,  PIVOT members will continue the important work of engaging and mobilizing Vietnamese Americans for a just and inclusive nation that is proud of its diversity.

Tung Nguyen