PIVOT Condemns Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay or Trans” bill and Urges Florida’s State Senate and Other State Legislatures to Not Enact or Pass Similar Bills

On Thursday February 24, Florida House of Representatives passed the “Don’t Say Gay or Trans” bill (HB 1557/SB 1834). If it is passed, teachers would be blocked from talking about LGBTQ+ issues or people, further stigmatizing and isolating  LGBTQ+ students. This bill would prevent teachers from providing a safe, inclusive classroom and undermine existing protections and rights of LGBTQ+ students.

Unfortunately, it is just one of many transgressions that conservatives have created to strip away the rights and dignity of LGBTQ+ Americans. A new Gallup poll shows that 7.1% of Americans and 21% of Gen Z identify as LGBTQ+. In 2021, more than 290 anti-LGBTQ bills were introduced across 33 states in 2021, with more than 140 specifically anti-transgender bills. Their introductions have already impacted the mental health of LGBTQ+ youth, according to a poll by the Trevor Project

We strongly denounce these harmful, performative bills created solely to score political points with a base that do not reflect the values of most Americans. While Florida might be the first state to pass such a bigoted bill, they won’t be the last.. 15 states may be following in Florida’s footsteps this year, continuing the coordinated national effort to marginalize LGBTQ+ people.   

We denounce those who endanger the lives and safety of LGBTQ+ youth for political points. We stand in support of LGBTQ+ youths, and urge everyone who stands with us to mobilize and advocate against these bills at all levels of government. Make your voices heard to the lawmakers who vote yes to these bills and then vote them out this November. 

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